Robinson Paredez will be in charge of directing the brand in Latin America.
SANTO DOMINGO – The top leadership of the new prospects platform Watch Baseball Players (WBP) appointed the Dominican Robinson Paredes as its director of baseball operations in Latin America.
Paredes is recognized in the Dominican Republic and in the Caribbean area for the successful summer tournaments that he has organized in the country for more than 10 years, with national and international teams.
“I am very excited and for me it is a pleasure to work for Watch Baseball Players, since with the experience I have in setting up baseball events and tournaments, I believe that I will fit in perfectly in this new initiative,” Paredes said.
“Due to the good relations I have in countries such as Panama, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Colombia and, of course, the Dominican Republic, where we will celebrate the first Showcases, I know that we are going to be successful, because I feel very comfortable with the good performance. I’ve had in the area of baseball, ”added WBP’s new director of baseball operations.
Watch Baseball Players is a platform created with the objective of exhibiting the best amateur baseball prospects from America and the Caribbean in front of listeners from Major League Baseball and from universities in the United States.
WBP offices base their operations between New York City and Santo Domingo.
The Santo Domingo native played baseball during his childhood alongside fellow WBP partner, Plácido Polanco, in the Las Mercedes and Manuel Mota leagues. In addition, it has a training sheet that includes knowledge and use of the new generation electronic devices that will be used in WBP events, such as Rapsodo, Trackman, Blast Motion, Pocket Radar, among others.
Through sensors, timers and radars, the performance of each of the prospects who participate in the Watch Baseball Players events will be measured and then the results will be available to the Scouts in the form of reports and performance sheets in the personalized profiles of the Web platform.